Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Journey Begins


So here it is: my first blog. I feel like I've really entered the 20th century now -- or is it the 21st...? Who can keep track? :) Anyway the point is I'm getting out there and making it happen.

My true love is playing guitar and saxophone with my band, You Can Call me Al, but to be honest we aren't Aerosmith quite yet. So I'm going to give this online writing thing a shot. I already write quite a bit at home, but I haven't had much luck getting published online because of all the hoops they make you leap through before they'll even look at your article.

I recently discovered a neat site called Article Marketer and signed up for a free account with them. I've tried isnare before, where you pay per article, and they got three of my articles published, but this free account was a pretty attractive option at this point in so late the month, if you know what I mean.

I plan to submit two articles via Article Marketer today, and I'll write about that experience in my next post. I hope by skipping over my learning curve and any hurdles I have that you will be an instant success!

Thanks for reading!